MerryRabbit - 小戶型超薄摺疊伸縮餐桌電腦桌MR-JSZ026-1 Ultra thin folding Dining table
MerryRabbit - 小戶型超薄摺疊伸縮餐桌電腦桌MR-JSZ026-1 Ultra thin folding Dining table
產地 中國
- E1級環保免漆板材,加厚三聚氰胺貼面刨花板,環保安全,易清潔、耐高溫、耐磨;
- 堅固耐用的金屬烤漆支架,不易生銹,穩固不搖晃,承重力大;
- 桌面採用合頁摺疊設計,可以根據使用需求摺疊或者展開桌面,隨心所欲不佔用空間;
- 底腳採用可調節腳墊,可以應付不平的地面,不傷地板。底腳兩側有隱形支撐腳設計,摺疊後超薄還能直立不倒;
- 免安裝,整裝發貨;
E1 Environmental-friendly boards,Waterproof and easy to clean, Small size with Large foldable table top,can serve around 6-8 persons, Fully assembled. |
送貨注意事項:產品將於購買後14-21 天左右送貨.
免費送貨至港九新界 (東涌加 $200、馬灣加 $150 及愉景灣加 $500),大譚、深水灣、淺水灣、石澳、赤柱、山頂、沙頭角、西貢、布袋澳加收$50,其它地區請向商戶查詢另行報價
送貨時間為星期一至六10am-7pm,如7pm後送貨需加$200 (星期日及公眾假期不設送貨)
Free delivery (about 14-21 days delivery)
• Free delivery service is valid for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories ($200 for Tung Chung, $150 for Ma Wan, $500 for Discovery Bay), $50 for delivery to Repulse Bay, Deep water Bay, Tai Tam, Shek O, Stanley, The Peak, Sha Tau Kok , Sai Kung and Po Toi O. For outlying islands and remote areas, please contact merchant for details
• For addresses without lift facilities, $50 per product per floor for the first six floors, please contact merchant for seven floors or above A surcharge is applied for address need to change lift.
• For delivery date change, please contact merchant 2 days before in advance (otherwise $100 surcharge applies)
• Please note that by filling in an incorrect address or number may result in a delay of delivery
Delivery on Mon to Sat 10am-7pm ($200 surcharge after 7pm) (no delivery service on Sun & PH)
• The colour of pictures are just for reference and subject to our products.