MerryRabbit – 現代小戶型皮藝梳化MR-6252 3人位 PU European Style Sofa 3 seater
MerryRabbit – 現代小戶型皮藝梳化MR-6252 3人位 PU European Style Sofa 3 seater
產地 中國
商品簡介 全身實木框架,內置彈簧帶,結實耐用
Solid wood frame, durable
由 MerryRabbit 14-21 天左右送貨
由 MerryRabbit 出售
送貨注意事項:產品將於購買後14-21 天左右送貨,免費送貨不包安裝,如需安裝每件加收$250 (安裝日期及時間或需另行安排)
免費送貨至港九新界 (東湧加 $200、馬灣加 $150 及愉景灣加 $500,大譚、深水灣、淺水灣、石澳、赤柱、山頂、沙頭角、西貢、布袋澳加收$50),其它地區請向商戶查詢另行報價
送貨時間為星期一至六10am-7pm,如7pm後送貨需加$200 (星期日及公眾假期不設送貨)
Free delivery (about 14-21 days delivery)
• Extra $250 for installation • Free delivery service is valid for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories ($200 for Tung Chung, $150 for Ma Wan, $500 for Discovery Bay), $50 for delivery to Repulse Bay, Deep water Bay, Tai Tam, Shek O, Stanley, The Peak, Sha Tau Kok ,Sai Kung,And Po Toi O.for outlying islands and remote areas, please contact merchant for details
• For addresses without lift facilities, $150 per product per floor for the first six floors, please contact merchant for seven floors or above
A surcharge is applied for address need to change lift.
• For delivery date change, please contact merchant 2 days before in advance (otherwise $100 surcharge applies)
• Please note that by filling in an incorrect address or number may result in a delay of delivery Delivery on Mon to Sat 10am-7pm ($200 surcharge after 7pm) (no delivery service on Sun & PH)
• The colour of pictures are just for reference and subject to our products